Thursday, March 26, 2015

Student Success Statement: Abraham Lincoln

"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong."
Abraham Lincoln says in this quote that he will always do what's right and will support anyone who does the same. He will not support liars and cheaters. I do this as well. If I know what my friends are doing is right I will support them 100%. If I know what they are doing is wrong I will try to convince not to do it, and if that doesn't work I will not show my support for that friend. It is because of this that I have lost friends, but it is not much of a loos and more of a gain because I don't like to surround myself with cheaters and liars.

April Fool's Day

April Fool's Day started the same way as most people celebrate this day do now. It was started in April 1, 1700 as an annual celebration to pull practical jokes on their neighbors. It's exact origins remain a mystery. Some think it started in 1582 when France changed their calender. Some ancient societies believed that it started when mother nature would change the climate in April. Now people go to great lengths to prank one another like making fake announcements and announcing fake products that would be really cool if they were real. There have been many hoaxes on April Fool's Day that people do believe. In particular, BBC made people believe that a digital clock was going to be added to Big Ben. Burger King announced a left handed whopper that many customers ended up asking for it. In Switzerland, a news station announced the creation of a spaghetti tree where yo u can grow your own spaghetti at home.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Student Success Statement: Tyler Haws

"I trust that my hard work will pay off."
This quote is great for motivation especially when you know about Tyler's background. Tyler was devastated after being cut off his basketball team and instead of moping around he actually tried to get better and it worked for him. He now plays for BYU. I think that if more people applied this to their lives it wouldn't matter how bad you are at something or if you have natural talent. If you work hard for something anything is possible but if you don't try you are doomed to fail. Working Hard for something also allows risks which come with the best outcomes.

Careers in Publishing

Publishing companies for books provide many career opportunities that range from advertising to editing. All of these people are necessary for selling books. Writers are the most important people in the process of selling a book for obvious reasons, they create them. Advertising copywriters make slogans for books, so the tagline on from covers were written by these people. People with this career need to read the book being published and summarize it in 1 sentence. Advertising media buyers are in charge of paying for billboards and space for online advertisements. Media planners decide where the advertisements should be placed. Commissioning editors create titles of books to ensure profitability. Copy editors edit manuscripts and must pay close attention to details. Basically if a character is wearing a skirt in one page they must ensure that that character is still wearing it on the next page. These are some of the careers that most publishing companies offer.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

On My Mind

I am  writer. I like writing about everything, but lately I haven't had the same self-encouragement to write. I love writing and I know I want to writer for a living when I'm older, whether it be obituary's or novels I just enjoy writing. I am terrified that I have lost my muse because whenever I write something I will work on it for maybe an hour until I realize how much I hate what I'm writing. I used to be able to write and love everything about what I write and love it and everyone who reads it loves it but now I can't even show my friends what I write and I have writers block. 
Recently I went to a book event where there were panels of authors, publishers, and literary agents. I asked them if I should just give up on writing because I thought it just wasn't for me. They all told me the same thing, I shouldn't give up because everyone at some point thinks that what they're are writing is the most horrible thing in the world and that it should be burned. It takes a strong person to continue working diligently until their manuscript is gold. I believe that I can apply this to everything in life. When something doesn't go your way don't give up because if the person who was twice as deep as you are in self hatred could get out of the hole you can too. All the authors there went through the same experience. 
Rachel Hawkins, author of Rebel Belle and Hex Hall, said that all of her books that have been or are going to be published made her feel like she should give up writing and that she was a bad a writer, but she kept on reminding herself that A) she wasn't a bad writer for knowing what she was writing was bad and B) what she was writing was only a first draft and it could only get better. Michelle Hodkin, author of the Mara Dyer trilogy said that her book went through three rewrites until she finally found a good ending.

Career Opportunities: International

Mexico: People who work in marketing are usually the highest paid. Chef's have also become very popular. Depending on the area there is a high demand for people to work in tourism, so for example, hotel managing is also inn high demand.
Spain: Biologist, Food Server(There are many areas just for tourist so the demand for people with this type of career is high), Banking
UK: People who work with aircraft's and Medical practitioners are the highest paid.
France: Executive and Managing, Accounting
Canada: Psychologist, Lawyer, Oil Drill Supervisor

Monday, March 16, 2015

Student Success Statement: Brigham Young

"True independence and freedom can only exist in what's right."
You will only achieve freedom and independence when you are doing the right thing. For example if you are selling drugs on the street you will never feel free or independent. You will not feel free because you will always be looking behind your back making sure you aren't being followed. You will end up being dependent in the way that you won't know how else to make a living. The same goes for anything bad that you do. This also how you can identify something wrong. If you feel neither independent nor free it can't be right.

St. Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick is patron saint of Ireland who died on March 17. St. Patrick's Day is a feast day. This day is celebrated under Saint Patrick's name because he brought Christianity to the pagan Irish. The color green is largely associated with the holiday because Saint Patrick explained the holy trinity using a shamrock. Drinking also increases on this holiday because the ban against drinking is lifted. Many countries celebrate this just as a celebration rather than a public holiday. It is a public holiday in Ireland, Northern Ireland, and some Canadian provinces.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Book Reviews

Making Someone's Day

There is a football team that is in Olivet Middle School. There was a boy with a learning disabilities that was on the football team. To make him happy and feel appreciated the whole team let him score a touchdown which made him very popular. No one but their teammates were in on t not even their coach. One of the boys on the team said that before they did that he hadn't even thought of doing something like that; it hadn't crossed his mind. The boy went from being selfish to thinking about others and their feelings. The boy that scored the touchdown said that it felt awesome.

Student Success Statement: George Chapman

"They're only truly great who are truly good."
This quote tells you that greatness and goodness correspond with one another. You can't have one trait on its own. No matter what if you are not good you will never achieve greatness. If you are good you can reach for the stars. If you are not doing good you can't even reach the door. As long as you are doing good you can do great things.

Volunteer Opportunities

  1. Cedars-Sinai:Teen volunteers at Cedars-Sinai must be at least 14. They must volunteer a minimum of 40 hours with 4 hours each week if volunteering takes place in the summer. Only three absences are allowed. To apply you must fill out an online application. Additional paperwork will be sent to you once your application has been reviewed. If your are accepted there is an interview you must attend. You must meet health requirements and must have certain vaccines. You must attend mandatory orientations and receive your badge and uniform.
  2. Saint Francis Medical Center: The requirements to be a volunteer are mainly just to be devoted to the work and be at least 14. To ask for an applications you must contact (310) 900-8574.
  3. Children's Hospital: To work as a volunteer you must be at least 15 years old. You must be in good mental and physical health. If you know a second language that is a plus. 100 of volunteer work is required to be done in 6 months. You must complete a certain amount of hours of orientation to qualify for a position as a volunteer.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Student Success Statement: George Mitchell

"Many think that the short term gain will be worth the long term pain, but it isn't. In addition, using steroids is cheating, and there is nothing worse in sports than a cheater. Don't do it."

Winning a game only takes up seconds of your life but it does affect the rest of your life, especially if you cheat. Guilt from cheating will affect you inside and out. You will be stressed because you want to confess about what you did but you don't want to tell because everything will be taken away from you. When your stressed people will know something is wrong then they'll get suspicious and the truth will come out. if you don't cheat you won't have to worry about this because you know you won fair and square so you deserve it as opposed to a person who will have winning unfairly in the back of their minds for the rest of their life. Finally, winning isn't everything you will go on with your life after you've won so if you do things fairly at least you can go back and remember what you won with a clean conscience.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Student Success Statement: Dale Murphy

"I won't cheat."
This is a motto that everyone should live by because once you start cheating you can't stop. When you are in school it is easy to cheat. You can change a few words to what you copied in the questions you were given as assignment and get away with it. But as you go on to school you are compelled to continue cheating to get a grade. Once you are in college you are done for and you will get what you deserve. I think that this motto shouldn't be used so that any person can feel better or that someone will compensate them at the end for not cheating but because it is the right thing to do.


Duties and Responsibilities: An oncologist is a doctor who specializes in cancer diagnostics and treatment. The treatments they use on patients are chemotherapy, surgical removal of tumors, and radiation therapy. They also perform several diagnostics procedures that determine the type of cancer a person may have. There are many types of diagnostic procedures such as scans, surgeries, and biopsies.
Salary: $217,856
Education: A degree in medicine
Reflection: I would enjoy this career because the procedures they use seem interesting also the salary seems good.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Student Success Statement: Dale Murphy

"Character matters most."
This quote means that it doesn't matter what you do oar the accomplishments you make but how you got there. If you made it to the type by cheating and lying that wouldn't be a good thing. All your accomplishments would go down the toilet because of this. If you were honest and you didn't lie or steal to get to the top then that is what matters because you deserve everything you have achieved unlike those who decided to take the easy way. The easy way never justifies a wrong doing.


Duties and Responsibilities: heliotherapy also known as light therapy is a form of therapy that consist of using natural light that is said to treat certain disorders such as skin conditions, seasonal affective disorder, and delayed sleep phase disorder.
Salary: 72,000
Education: To work as a Heliotherapist one must get a professional degree and must have certain licences.
Reflection: I wouldn't enjoy this career because it is not that interesting. Also the pay isn't that good.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Mitch McKee

Mitch Mckee is a freshman in High School from Minnesota. He discovered his father, Steven Mckee, was diagnosed with cancer and set his sights on a championship for wrestling in hopes of winning it for his father to make him forget for at least a while that he has cancer. He knew his father didn't have much time left so he knew he had to do it his freshman year. He would get up at 6 to train and would even train on non-practice days. Not only did Mitch make it to State championships he ended up going to Finals. He won the match and the other competitor wished Mitch's father the best of luck.

Student Success Statement: Benjamin Franklin

"Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all."
Beauty fades, strength will definitely not last, and when we all die we will not take our money with us. This is why it is important to be kind to one another. What truly matters is the kindness that comes in the heart. How will any god accept you into their heaven if you are a bad person. How will they accept you if you have cheated and lied to keep a possession, or anything like that while you were alive. All of our material possessions won't matter because when you are off this earth you aren't going to take any of it with you. Besides not being kind makes you ugly. Not being kind makes you weak.

Health Educator

Duties and Responsibilities: Health educators teach people behaviors that promote wellness. Aside from this duties they have many other duties such as teach these people in different communities on how to cope with the new or existing medical conditions. They also must collect data and analyze to improve their programs.
Salary: $41,830
Education: A bachelors degree in health education or health promotion
Reflection: I don't think I would enjoy this career because the pay is really low. Also I feel like this career would bore me.
Health educators